January Newsletter 2012
To utilize this instrument sit quietly for a few minutes and visualize where you want your life to be in 30, 60, or 90 days. Ask whatever you call God to direct the process. If God is not part of your life, this tool can still work for you. Download and print the circular handout and instruction sheet from the resources on my website. Put the current date at the top of the first page. Then write in each area the goal you want to accomplish as if it were already true. An example under the spiritual heading would be: 30 days from today (put in the future date) I spend five minutes a day sitting quietly listening to that voice within me. Do the same for each category. Write the goal in present terms and with positive words.
People do not have the same vision for us that we do. Sharing our Prayer Wheel contents with others can dampen our belief that it is going to come to pass. I recommend you keep the contents to yourself for the first 30 days. Then you can share it with your life coach or a positive mentor, if you have one. We have a tendency to resort back to the previous way of behaving when obstacles present themselves to us whether related to a relationship, money, health, or job unless we have something to prevent that. The second sheet is your insurance protection against sabotaging your progress. The form asks you questions about each categorical goal to determine how you might undermine your own accomplishments. This helps prevent that by preempting what might be a roadblock to fulfilling your vision and offering solutions in advance.
After filing out the two handouts sit quietly again picturing your life as if they were already true. Do this each day for a minute or two. At the end of 30 days review the goals and record the date when each was accomplished. Make a new Prayer Wheel when the present one is completed. If you have questions about the mechanics of how to do the worksheets, feel free to ask me in an email. Happy Prayer Wheeling!